Lifestyle and Financial Advice

Connect with yourself

Understand investing

Design a fulfilling life

Sound like you?


Sound like you? 〰️

You feel out of touch with your needs

  • What do you value most?

  • What areas of your life are out of balance?

  • How congruent are your beliefs with your work?

Investing seems a little intimidating ff

  • How does the stock market work?

  • What are the best ways to budget?

  • How do I choose between Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, personal brokerage, etc.

You want to create a more fulfilling life without being broke.

  • How can I design a life that’s engaging?

  • How can I turn my interests into paying jobs?

  • How do I spend more time doing what I love?

Our Process

Start with where you are

A good life-centric financial plan starts with measuring the right things. We help define what happiness is to you, then we create systems to monitor it.

Set values

You can’t make wise decisions without understanding your values. You define the purpose of work, how to make meaning in life, and we use them as your North star.

Create options

There is no one perfect plan. It is imperative that we create options, and prototype your favorite ideas before diving in.

Make a plan

Once we understand your values, create options, and test some versions of you, we can make better financial decisions, and strategies to support them.

Give recommendations

Each financial plan is tailored to you. We focus on your specific philosophies, risk tolerance, investing horizon, milestones to reach, and much more.

Find the balance between happiness and financial security.